Behold Look What the Lord Has Done. Those words hung over the door of Paula’s apartment for the very first Priceless Christmas Party. Just 10 or so days before that she and I (Kirsten) sat in her living room and discussed having a party for women that might not otherwise have a Christmas. After sharing the idea with Joyce Kelly and gathering a small army of volunteers we had quite the party… or shall I say God threw quite a party.
The sign was there to remind everyone that God was throwing a party. A for women that are very precious to Him. That evening each and every one of us felt like we were part of something really special. Thirty-five priceless women and 15 or so “church ladies” came together to celebrate Christmas.
The first annual Priceless Christmas Party
Paula was the very first woman that reached out to the IAmFreedomGirl team over 8 years ago. She has since become a dear friend. At one point in her life, Paula was a pastor who ran an inner-city mission in Detroit. Through a series of events she landed in a strip club in Florida. That is where our paths crossed…only God! In so many ways, Paula has ministered to me more than I have ministered to her but it has been beautiful to watch God at work in Paula’s life as he reminds her how loved and precious she is to our Heavenly Father. When we met, I felt like God was telling me that He was doing a “Strong but Gentle” work in her life. It has been beautiful to have a front row seat as I watched God do what only he can do. He is restoring her joy and moving her back into her pastoral calling. It is an honor and joy to be her friend. If you want to know more about Paula you can visit her author page at Many, many women come together to make this party happen, but she is the heart behind this party because she has “been there”.
The next year there was close to 50 priceless women at the 2nd annual Priceless Christmas Party and last year even more! It is a personal and extravagant event that the women now look forward to every year. Our goal is to let each woman know that they are seen and loved by our Heavenly Father. By the end of the evening we all feel priceless! This party has become a tradition for many of our long time friends from the ministry and new friends too! It is our prayer that the concept of this party be replicated across the country and that it outlasts all of us.
Here are some things that happen every year at the party:
-A personal Christmas Gift given to each woman. These gifts are sponsored by people from all over the country that want to “adopt a Priceless Woman”. In the past we have matched up sponsors with Priceless women. It was beautiful to watch people from all over the country shop and send gifts to women that just needed to know they were loved.
-A “Priceless Boutique” where the guests can shop for free! All the clothing and accessories are donated. The boutique is a highlight. All donations are carefully sorted new and gently used items that are beautifully displayed. Every woman goes home with a new wardrobe
-A wonderful dinner and dessert bar.
Every year there are a few surprises. This year we are working on a very special gift to be given at the party. Without giving away too many details, the gift will include a small book that proclaims the identity of who we are as women that belong to God.
What a better time than Christmas to tell each other how valuable and precious we are to our Heavenly Father. I believe the line from “Oh Holy Night” says it well…
“Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth”
I will never forget the day we sat in Paula’s apartment and tossed around the idea of throwing a Christmas party for women that might otherwise not have a Christmas. It’s been beautiful to watch the multitudes of women (and a few valiant men) that come together to make it happen. There have been tears of joy, personalized Bibles, individual gifts, crazy cool stories of provision from all over the country. God truly loves each one of us! If you would like to know how you can help, or would like to donate, please visit the website and ask for more information about The Priceless Christmas Party.
This year a percentage of the sale of every ReJoyed Christmas ornaments will go to help fund our “Special Project” and cover expenses for my dear friend Paula as she writes her (actually God’s) heart out to let these women know just how loved they are. Pray for her. God is doing a strong but gentle work in her and through her. I can’t wait to tell you more about the project! Here is a link to the ReJoyed “JOY” ornament.
Thanks for all the love and support for ReJoyed over the years. Your purchases have truly ReJoyed lives in so many ways.
For ReJoyed, Christmas starts in late summer. In a “normal” year I make most of my ornaments in July and August. Each year I pick a particular theme. In the past it has been lines from “Oh Holy Night” like; “The stars are brightly shining”, “Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth”, and “ A thrill of HOPE the weary world rejoices”. This year I felt like I wanted to focus on just one word.
Because July and August were filled with house hunting I was running a little behind. We finally found the perfect house. Really, it was the house of our dreams. It had plenty of room for everything and everyone we have in our lives. It had a shop for Dusty and a small but super cool legit barn for a ReJoyed studio and a basement apartment. It was just a few minutes from downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul and even closer to my sister. Wow! We had been pre-approved for our mortgage and now all we needed to do is wait 6 weeks until closing. I got to work, on both packing up the house and making ornaments.
I had first thought the word would for the ornaments this year would be “HOPE”. Really, who doesn’t need a little hope even in the best of times. This year, it seemed to fit really well but I always pray and ask God what He would like and I wasn’t sure it was HOPE. I pictured the Christmas tree in my new house and all I could think of was the word “JOY”. Finally, after a year and a half of temporary quarters and 6 months of “quarantine” we would have a place of our own and it would be a JOYOUS Christmas! What a great way to end the year, JOY it would be!
So, I got to work, and made several ReJoyed “JOY” ornaments. The word Joy is made from copper wires and the silver plate is reclaimed silver platters. They are so simple and beautiful. I could picture my tree with dozens of JOY ornaments and nothing else. In a year filled with angst and uncertainty, we would have JOY in the end! I made lots and lots of JOY!
Right about now I wish I could make you hear that sound you hear on a TV show soundtrack when everything comes to a screeching halt… because that was the sound I kept hearing when a few days before closing on our house the date got pushed back a week, “No big deal, happens all the time.” I told myself. I had a count down on our refrigerator whiteboard to track the closing because the kids kept asking when it would be. I had to adjust the date and start the count down again, twice, as a matter of fact. Finally, we were there…. 3… 2… 1…. Late in the afternoon, the day before closing, the texts and calls started flying late into the night. Texts between us and our finance person and our realtor Jason. (Jason Brown of Edina Realty in White Bear Lake who will forever in my mind be known as St. Jason) I finally erased the countdown on the whiteboard and replaced it with Jer 29:11. (That’s a Bible verse, google it if you don’t already know it).
Our financing fell through. Self-employment has its perks but financing a mortgage during a pandemic apparently is not one of them. We sat here silent and stunned.
joy. really? the boxes stacked all over the apartment, the loaded truck, the friends we had lined up to help us celebrate and the utilities we had to deactivate were all reminders of the loss. i have dreamed for years of owning just a little piece of my home state of minnesota. joy was not my go to emotion.
A few days later I made a quick trip to Florida with my bff Paula. The trip was planned off the first closing date, but with the push backs it happened to be just a few days after the devastating news. It was good to just drive away from the train wreck. We stayed with a few of our dear friends that were beautiful reminders of the grace that has brought us safe thus far. When I returned home I was sorting through my ReJoyed inventory, putting things back on the shelves. I felt as if I was grieving… probably because I was. I opened my box of JOY ornaments.
JOY. Joy. joy. jOY. JOY. 100 or so little ornaments looked up at me and for a moment I couldn’t even comprehend the dichotomy of emotion. I paused, “what is joy?” Is it the perfect house, in the perfect location and the perfect Christmas tree? I cracked open my Bible as I am known to do when I question things that seem to have no answer. I found the word “JOY” in the back and began reading every JOY verse I could find and handwriting, in my journal, the ones that had significance me.
I want to point out two verses that almost felt like bookends for my situation. One from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.
“You make known to me the path of life, in your presence there is fullness of JOY at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11
Now, I don’t know about you, but when I read verses like that I pray and ask God to show me how to be in His presence so I can experience that fullness of JOY! Ironically, the Psalmist was saying that JOY was a place… but that place was not a house it was in the presence of the Lord. I kept writing verses, Psalms has a lot to say about JOY. I wrote a verse from Isaiah and Habakkuk as well and then headed to the New Testament. Luke declares the news of Jesus’ birth as good news of great JOY for all people… but that’s not the one that caught my eye. It the very words of Jesus in the book of John.
“These things I have spoken to you, that my JOY may be in you and that your JOY may be full.” John 15:11
Now, I’ve read this entire passage many many times. This time, however, I was reading it almost backwards. I read verse 11 first. Notice it starts with “These things”. I was curious, what are these things? Well, if you read the beginning of John 15 you see that it is one of Jesus’ more famous dissertations. In my Bible it is titled “I Am the true vine”. If Jesus were trying to sell something he would have started with a question like, “Do you want joy?” or the infamous click bait model “3 ways to find joy”. But He wasn’t trying to sell anything, He just wants us to know who he is, who is Father is and who we are. He is the vine and His father is the vinedresser and we are the branches, an extension of Him. He is giving His JOY to us as we abide in Him.
You have heard the old phrase people say when you walk into their home; “Welcome to my humble abode”. Well, maybe as believers and followers of Jesus we should say, “Welcome to my humble abide” His JOY is my JOY when I abide in His Presence. The Psalmist knew the secret was being in the presence of the LORD, to be in His house. I guess you could say it like this, “to humbly abide in His abode”.
Joy is ours. Yes, even in 2020, JOY is ours.
As Luke 2:10 records Jesus’ birth announcement “And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great JOY that will be for all the people.’ The very one in whom we find the fulness of JOY came very near so that His presence was available to “all the people”.
This year our Christmas tree will bear the word JOY and I hope yours will too. 2020 has left all us people hoping for “normal”. If you know Jesus, I challenge you to go bigger than “normal” and shoot for JOY! JOY in His presence as you abide in Him.
Wherever I am with Jesus, I am home. Welcome to my humble Abide.
Truth+Love=Grow Real. I think that’s what most of us crave. Why? Because we grow and thrive in real life. Just like light and water make a plant grow, truth and love make people grow. Ephesians 4:15 reminds us to speak truth in love so we can grow up, literally UP into him. The verse just prior to that talks about being tossed to and fro by human cunning and craftiness in deceitful schemes. Fake. Have you ever been hustled? You thought one thing and then found out it was another? That moment when we say “Wait a minute, I’ve just been taken for a ride.” Being hustled never feels very good and it usually ends in asking yourself “How did I get here?” Once a lie or hate enters the equation we are no longer dealing with God’s plan for your life. As I see it we have these options both in what we speak and in what we hear: Truth + Hate = Injury Lies + Love= Abuse Lies + Hate = Death Truth + Love = Life Real. It’s not always easy but it is really our only choice if we want to grow. When the spoken word is true and it is done from a motivation of love everybody grows, both the speaker and the hearer. Maybe that’s why the Psalmist said “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight…”. Psalm 19 is mostly about the spoken word of God. It ends with a prayer that our mouth’s words (truth) and our heart’s meditations (love) would be acceptable to God. Why? Because God knows both what we speak and the motive behind it can either do damage or cause growth.
The story of Stone Age Jewelry from Kirsten’s
“Can I ask what you are writing?” The question came from the
McDonald’s manager that had quietly walked up and was standing next to me in
the parking lot.
Paula and me. From my perspective, this beautiful friendship is built on Jesus, McDonald’s coffee and second hand smoke.
This was the same manager that, just a few moments before, I
had spoken to inside at the counter as I ordered two coffees. I ordered one
black coffee and one with 8 creams brewed fresh. While I waited for the fresh coffee, we
chatted. It was mostly pleasant small
talk. Two coffees now in hand, I proceed to the smoking section (aka the
parking lot) where my dear friend Paula is perched low on a curb, smoking her
cigarette and etching something in the concrete.
I met Paula almost a decade ago. Our paths crossed for the first time at a Bible study at my church in Florida. On the way into the church we chatted, mostly about our common love for coffee. Little did I know at that time that a deep friendship would be formed over our mutual beverage of choice. That day, as I sat next to her, I was amazed by the way she navigated her well-worn bible as the woman teaching the study referenced various scriptures. Now, I don’t always analyze how the person next to me is finding their way through the bible, but there is a little more to this story. You see, Paula came to that bible study because just a few days prior I was with a group of women that go on outreach to the adult entertainment establishments (aka strip clubs) in our city. We go on a monthly basis to let the women that work there know that they are dearly loved by Jesus, and us too. That evening we left our contact information in one establishment and Paula called. A few days later she came to bible study. I specifically came to the study that day to meet Paula. Today she is one of my dearest friends.
Now, nearly 10 years later, Paula and I are hanging out in the mid-west, still drinking coffee. The discussion of the last 24 hours or so centered around a little storm brewing 1000 miles away back in Florida. A different group of women has started going on outreach to the same establishment Paula worked in. The reports we are hearing from our dear friends that work in that particular club is that these women are grabbing them by the arm, telling them that they are sinners that are going to hell and they are made to pray a sinner’s prayer. From the anger, fear and confusion I hear in the reports from our friends, It sounds like they are doing more harm than good.
I need to take this story out of the present and go back to Jesus’ day for just a moment. Let’s about another woman that was apparently was grabbed by the arm and basically told she was going to hell. The story is from the gospel of John in the bible.
“Teacher, this woman has
been caught in the act of adultery.Now in
the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?”This they
said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against
him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.And as
they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to
throw a stone at her.
Now, this next sentence may have a bit of sarcasm attached to it, but did you notice that she was caught in the very act? Do you suppose the Pharisees were on “outreach” to find sinners and save their souls? Not likely. It is clear that their concern was not for the woman, her redemption or even her welfare, but for themselves. They tried to used her to validate their position.
Jesus did not even enter that shame game. You see, He understood that the punishment of death by stoning would soon be nailed to the cross. That the moment the stone that sealed His tomb was rolled away, the penalty of death would be paid once and for all. This one exchange that seems so brief to us probably felt like eternity to the woman, because eternity was truly in the balance here. Jesus flipped the script.
Back to the McDonald’s parking lot and the manager’s question, “Can I ask what you are writing?”
“He who is without sin cast the first stone”
Paula replied, “That’s what I’m writing”.
“It’s called tagging”, Paula continued.
Suddenly I am an accomplice to tagging the McDonald’s parking lot. (In a later conversation, my fearless friend from the “313” told me she knew exactly what was going through this suburban, mid-western, don’t break the law, mind of mine) I had just bought my friend a coffee and handed it to her. I may have even mentioned to the manager that I had bought the second coffee for my friend out there smoking. No way I could pass the situation off as a kind gesture to a stranger and hop in my car and drive off, although the thought did cross my mind. (Paula, if you read this, I promise I would have come back to pick you up) My mind raced to the thoughts of who I would call to bail us out of jail. The manager, while friendly in conversation, did not appear to be overly nice. I stood there, frozen, watching the street for the cops to roll up, wondering what would happen next.
To my surprise, joy, glee, shock and
amazement the manager said, “Ok then, well… I’m not going to throw any
stones.” And she turned around and
walked inside. Disappearing as quickly as she had appeared.
Paula continued. Her hand working hard, along with her arm and sometimes her shoulder to etch the words into the concrete. The women who reported hearing the words “you are going to hell” seemed to drive my Paula to complete the task. As she etched she commented under her breath, “Those women don’t have a heaven or a hell to send anyone to” and “I hope they walk up to the people in the grocery store, the men in the clubs and the people in the pews at church and say the same thing, otherwise they are no better than the Pharisees.” and “Telling people they are going to hell is not walking in love.”
So, this is what tagging looks like.
As Paula was finished up her tag, the manager quietly came back out to the parking lot. I’m not going to lie, I looked around for the local cops again. No cops. But get this… the manager spoke, “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure” said Paula.
“Why are you writing that?”
Paula shared a little of her story and about the storm brewing in Tampa. The anger she felt when she heard stories of women telling other women they are going to hell. The manager listened intently and wanted to make sure I was a friend and not part of the problem. Paula assured her that I indeed was a friend. Whew! The manager turned and walked inside.
No stones were cast that day in the McDonald’s parking lot. No one went to jail. Nobody got saved that day either as far as I know. But Paula was inspired. Inspired to get a stone for every woman working in the adult entertainment industry in our city and the next time any well-meaning, but in fact de-meaning, person walked up to them, grabbed their arm, and told them they were going to hell they could simply hand them a stone. Paula’s words “Anyone that knows their Bible will know exactly what that means.”
Outreach is a great thing. Letting someone know they are loved by Jesus and by you is a great thing. When Jesus said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” he showed compassion to everyone in that situation. Notice he didn’t shame the Pharisees either, he simply flipped the script and leveled the ground.
Paula came up with the idea of making stones out of concrete. I would love to hand every woman a stone. As I handed it to her I would say, “This stone is for you. It’s to remind you that the ground is always level at the feet of Jesus.” Wear it to remind yourself to:
Love yourself always and
not if
love others always and not if
Jesus loves you ALWAYS and not IF.
Love Always and Not If…
The rest of the story:
And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”
The only one left to hear these beautiful words was the woman. The Pharisees walked away knowing they couldn’t throw a stone because they themselves had sin in their lives. So sad that they didn’t hear these words. “Go, and sin no more.” The only person that can speak these words to us is Jesus. He lived a sinless life, died a sinners death and defeated death so we can have a victorious life. We overcome because of his blood, his death and his resurrection.
Those that throw stones and those that have stones thrown at them are both in need of a savior. The ground is level. Breathe a deep sigh of relief, the local cops are not rolling up to put you in jail (and if they really are, Jesus still loves you).
And get this…
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.’ Revelation 2:17
Jesus will someday give you a stone with the name He has given you written on it. I can’t help but think Jesus looked at everyone on earth with their heavenly name in his mind. Let the accusers walk away. Listen to what He says about you and to you. Wear this stone as a reminder that He that is without sin didn’t cast a stone, He died on a cross, and He loves you dearly. The ground is level whenever Jesus is around.
Stone Age Jewelry:
Each stone is individually made by Paula. It is unique and one of a kind. Ironically, these not for casting stones are cast from concrete. Wear it proudly or hang it somewhere as a reminder to love always and not if because you have been loved always and not if. For every stone that is purchased, we will donate a stone, along with the story, to a ministry that lovingly walks in to some of the darkest corners of our cities and lets women know that they are loved by Jesus and by you too!
Paula is an incredible artist and author. She is currently putting the final touches on a book entitled “The Devil’s Kettle”. You can follow her on Instagram @PaulaMarieJoseph and find her blog at .
Why can’t it just be easy? I asked myself that today as I wrestled with this star shaped ornament. Everything I make is made from reclaimed and repurposed materials. While some things are similar, no two things are exactly the same. This piece was making me crazy! I pieced two boards together and then one piece broke off. A nail bent, the piece broke off again.. toss it!? This is taking too much time. Pause. What’s the message if you give up on something that’s already been tossed in the trash once?
I almost gave up on this one
So, I spent some time, a lot of time trying to figure out and fix, attach and reattach. This little ornament has been hard fought for. It was pieced together from two boards to begin with.
Two boards put together to make this a whole ornament.
Then, there is the stamping. I’ve been stamping metal for several years now. I have stamped many words and I could have stamped these words out a little straighter.
Check out the lyrics from “Oh Holy Night”
Beat up, broken and put together, broken again and repaired…something new from something used. I never gave up on it. Now, get this, pay attention to the words. They are from the classic Christmas song “Oh Holy Night”. The first few lines go like this, “Oh Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining, it is the night of our dear savior’s birth.” The stars seemed to even understand the significance of that evening. Our dear savior was born.
Why can’t it just be easy? For me the struggle is just a reminder of my savior, the one that never gave up on me.
I am making these little pieces. I call them “Set in Stone”. They are little ice cube sized pieces of concrete with a word of encouragement, inspiration, or truth. I am using a lot of the pieces that I have made over the years that for one reason or another didn’t get finished. As I packed up my studio in Tampa and unpacked it here in Wisconsin I found several. This one had “Leaning on the everlasting arms” stamped on it.
I have no idea what I was going through that day. I do know pretty much everything I take time to stamp one letter at a time into a piece of metal is significant to me. No doubt I needed to remember there is a God and He is timeless. As I looked at the history of these words written over 100 years ago, according to Wikipedia, I found that they were penned by a man named Anthony J Showalter after he received news from 2 former students that their wives had died. As he was writing to them he quoted the scripture from Deuteronomy 33:27, “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms”. Then he and Elisha Hoffman wrote this now famous hymn. Here are the lyrics:
What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Refrain: Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, Leaning on the everlasting arms; Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
My favorite part was the Refrain, “Leaning, Leaning, safe and secure from all alarms”
This little “set in stone” piece is actually still curing here in the picture. When it’s ready to go, it will probably be shipped off to one of the wonderful shops that carry ReJoyed. It is my hope that it will find its way to someone that needs a little reminder that there are everlasting arms and they are more than strong enough to lean on.
I made this little metal piece a few years ago when I lived in Tampa. I was going through something at the time and needed the reminder that I was loved. It was true that day and it is true today.
We’ve heard it said that “hurt people, hurt people” and that is probably true. I got to thinking this morning that it is even more true that loved people, love people. When you walk in the security of knowing that you are loved by your heavenly father you then can walk in love with those around you.
This piece of metal was cut from a reclaimed silver plated sugar dish. It was on the bottom of the dish. The little grey line running through it was the solder holding the base on. A seemingly insignificant piece of metal that I found beautiful. I stamped the word loved on it and a few years later it still serves as a reminder to me that I am loved. Isn’t that a lot like what God did for each one of us? He “so loved” us (John 3:16) that He sent his son who found us and marked us with His love. We now live loved… and serve as a reminder to those around us. How beautiful is that?
My prayer for you today is that you live loved!
I call these new little cement creations “set in stone”. A little reclaimed piece of metal set in cement. They are little ice cube size reminders for you or someone you love.
Why do I incorporate pennies into so many of my designs?
I designed this Priceless pendant in 2016 shortly after seeing the movie “Priceless” made by the guys from For King and Country. The story line resonated with me as just a few years earlier I co-founded a ministry that went into some of the strip clubs in Tampa. We went to the clubs once a month and did our best to let the women that worked there know that they were indeed priceless. The women in the clubs call us “The Church Ladies”. I love that title, because that is exactly what we are, ladies that bring the church with them wherever they go.
August is the seven year anniversary of the first time we stepped into a strip club. I have met so many remarkable priceless women over the years. We have listened, prayed, laughed, cried, hugged and said some sad goodbyes. We’ve celebrated new jobs and babies. One summer several of us gathered at the beach for a Bible Study…I would have to say those evenings at the beach were some of my most precious and profound memories of my time in Florida.
So, why a penny? Our society and culture assign value to things and people. Jesus says you, yes you, are worth dying for. You may feel like a penny in the world’s economy, but God created and loved the world and He says you are Priceless. In His eyes, each and every person has great value. The penny is often disregarded, people will barely take time to pick up a dropped nickle or dime let alone a penny. Somehow we assign that same value to people. You, my friend, are of great value. You are worth it. It is my hope that each and every piece of ReJoyed somehow conveys that message. Something completely new from something completely used. A discarded piece of metal, a piece of leather or an old coin, carefully and lovingly repurposed into something beautiful and meaningful.
Even though I have moved to the midwest, my heart is still with the ministry and the women we met over the years in Tampa. Lord willing, ReJoyed will continue to be a funding source for ministries like IAmFreedomGirl and others ministries that give hope.
A portion of every ReJoyed sale is given to organizations that give hope or people that need hope.
p.s. ( I know some of you are concerned about me destroying pennies to make jewelry. I have done a little research on the subject and I believe I am ok. If I am wrong, me and all the people that own penny stretching machines will be sharing a jail cell.)
May the God of
HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in
Romans 15:13
Hope. HOPE. hope. Hope. HOPE. hope. H.O.P.E. If I have stamped that word out once in the last 5 years I’ve stamped it out one thousand times.
The picture I received that took my breath away.
Hope is the heartbeat of ReJoyed. Jesus is my hope and the anchor of my soul but several years ago I felt hopeless. Things were not going according to my plan and that left me spiraling into a pit of despair. I prayed and asked God to restore my joy and He answered that prayer by giving me the creative outlet that is now known as ReJoyed. The very first thing I wanted to do was put the word HOPE on a cross. I won’t go into the details, but if you’re interested you can read more about it here.
ReJoyed grew into a little business but the mission of restoring joy and giving hope remains the same. For the past few years I have had the joy of working alongside my friend Paula. We work on ReJoyed projects as well as develop her own brand and creative outlet called “Simply Twist3d”. Sometimes we collaborate on artistic ventures and writing. Paula and I met in a way that only God could orchestrate. I am part of a ministry that reaches out to women working in the adult entertainment industry here in the Tampa Bay area called IAmFreedomGirl. We visit the strip clubs once a month. One Friday night we left a plaque with a Bible verse on her dressing room station. (There is so much more to that story, because we usually don’t do that.) She reached out to us the next morning. We became fast friends over many cups of coffee. Over the years we have talked about Jesus, encouraged each other through laughter and tears and created cool stuff as well.
Paula and I at an art show a few years back.
Paula is a single woman trying to make a life outside of the clubs. How do you move on from a lifestyle in the adult entertainment industry? If you have never been there before you may be tempted to say, “just leave”. If you have been there, or are there now, you may shake your head and say, “I have no idea.” Almost every time I speak in public about IAmFreedomGirl someone will inevitably come up to me and whispers in my ear, “I’ve been there… keep going.” While life’s twists and turns take us to places and down roads we never planned on going, people do “get out”. So how do you leave? After hearing many life stories, it is fair to say that it’s complicated. I do know this, there is HOPE. The common denominators among those that leave the industry are a support system and a new source of income. Those are both extremely important but first there must be HOPE. Holy Spirit inspired HOPE that restores joy.
Collaborative creative day making crosses.
So, we had a collaborative cross making day at Paula’s house. We made some really cool crosses, but as we wrapped up the day I left photos of some of the “HOPE” pieces I have made over the years and a blank wooden cross. Paula said she had an idea and the next day she sent me a picture of this
Hope Upon Hope
cross. It nearly took my breath away because it truly captures what ReJoyed is all about. It reminded me of that time when I desperately needed hope when things seem hopeless. I know it was made by hands that need hope. Paula named this cross “Hope upon Hope” because of the layers of HOPE.
You can purchase your own “Hope Upon Hope” Cross at The wood for each cross is hand cut by me and then “collaged” by Paula. Each one will be similar but slightly different and one of a kind.
Please also take some time to visit One-Voice. God put it on Paula’s heart to start sharing thoughts and teaching from the Bible. I am co-writing on some of the posts. We hope it will be a place where we can dig into the word, ask questions and encourage one another. You can also visit Paula’s Simply Twist3d Boutique Etsy shop or contact her for custom tshirt, coffee cups or tile printing.
p.s. I am finishing this blog in the early morning hours of Easter Sunday. As I wait for the sun to rise on this day I can’t help but think of the despair that must have filled the hearts of Jesus’ friends after his death. Had the story ended there, this cross would not have one bit of significance our lives today. But, because that morning, when the sun came up and the women discovered an empty tomb, we have Hope upon Hope. Not only for this life, but for all of eternity. I pray that the God of HOPE fills you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE!
Lead with Love… that is the phrase that is running through my mind right now.
I am preparing to lead (along with my dear and fearless friend Rori) the IAMFreedomGirl ( team on our February outreach.
If I’m not careful, I tend to lead with fear…. What if I mess up? A root of fear that permeates many areas in my life. Really? Is that what want to lead with? No. I tell myself the lie “Good leaders never fail”. Truth: Love never Fails. So, my simple yet profound conclusion is this, if I don’t want to fail I Lead with Love. Love can’t fail… perfect love casts out all fear…lead with love. Walking in love, wherever you go… always succeeds. Lead with Love. Love always and you will always succeed. Lead with it… let love enter the room before you, let it be the first thing out of your mouth when you speak. Lead with love. Love goes first…. success follows…. guaranteed.
Beautiful gifts for some very special people!
Jesus Always lead with love. He loved first, from the beginning and continues to this day. I am inspired by those that have seem to have a special gift for spreading that love. Sara, a friend of mine, has that gift. She always seems to find a way to lead with love. She’s one of those “millennials”… that amazing generation that seems to have no end to their creative genius and energy to match. I had the pleasure of spending last weekend at the IF : Gathering Tampa with Sara and a few of her “millennial” friends. Sara and a friend were inspired and had an idea of how to Lead with Love. I asked if I could share it here. It’s called “LoveAlwaysJesus”. Check this out….
Our hearts desire is to get the word of God in the hands of people (strangers) we may never meet in our daily encounters. Ultimately we want them to Know Jesus Christ as their Savior. To experience his Love that never ends. We want the Holy Spirit to Guide us in writing a simple note and trust that He knows who needs to hear those words and where to place our note. We want anyone, anywhere, anytime, to be able to participate. We want YOU to join us. How can you do this? ((First notes will be dropped on 2/14/16))
1.#praywriteplace. Place a note somewhere. Anywhere (The Grocery Store, The Park, The Library, School, Workplace, etc) 2. Address the Note on the outside where someone will see it (This Letter Belongs to you, Dear Child, Open Me, etc) 3. Use the Signature “Love Always, Jesus” 4. Include the hashtag #LoveAlwaysJesus somewhere on the note so they can find us on social media to learn more about Jesus. 5. Include scripture. 6. Write your note on any kind of stationery, paper, card etc. It can be long or short. Trust God to give you the words and pray over where to place it. 7. Follow Love Always, Jesus. Tag us in your photo. Use The Hashtags #praywriteplace #LoveAlwaysJesus
We believe Him when He says, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11
How cool is that?!?!
My first #lovealwaysjesus #praywriteplace letter.
Will you join me as I “pray write place” a love letter or two this Valentine’s Day? You see, love never ever fails! Your words because they are in combination with His Word will accomplish much. You may never know, but you might just make all the difference in the world!
Lead with love… always.
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